Normally the lunch room at work isn't the most exciting place I've ever been. Last week I came in and found a pile of old books someone was free-cycling away. I dug trough the pile until this red hard covered book popped into my hands. Seriously it would have jumped if it had legs. This book was published when I was five years old, so to me it's vintage but I'm sure vintage things have to be like 100 years or more. What ever, I was still rather excited to find it.
Check out Martha she looks so young here don't you think? This book has tons of great party ideas as well as recipes to try. I'm so looking forward to digging into it and giving them a try.
See these awesome fresh berry tarts. I'm so going to try to make these. I've always wanted to make a tart but have yet to try it.
I also want to dig into this children's section and have fun with my kids over the Christmas season. Yes I'm talking about Christmas again.
I'll let you know when I try some of these oldies but goodies.
Don't for get to follow this blog. Give away's are coming soon for followers.
Meags and I got together tonight to start working on our 12 Days of Christmas Crafting. Those will start posting on December 1st. This is going to be so much fun, your going to love it.

Don't for get to follow this blog. Give away's are coming soon for followers.
Meags and I got together tonight to start working on our 12 Days of Christmas Crafting. Those will start posting on December 1st. This is going to be so much fun, your going to love it.
After Meags is done working on the 12 Days of Christmas, I need her to come over to help me put some order into my workroom. Saw hers the other night..I have workroom envy! Looking forward to your 12 days.